Comments inline.

Jeremy Boynes wrote:
There are two concrete issues.

Firstly, with the XSD for the namespace spread over so many files, how does a user set up a tool to validate an XML document? They can add schemaLocation elements as hints but that is more complex than the separate namespaces. We can produce a single document that includes the others but that couples them together and requires us to version them all together.

This is usually specific to the tool. For example with the Eclipse XML tools you register your XSD in the Eclipse XML catalog. To validate SCDL composites using a set of SCDL extensions, you could just give your tool an XSD file including the XSD of the particular extensions. The user could write this XSD himself, or we could provide a very simple tool or maybe even just a script producing the XSD for him from the selected extensions for example. The single namespace approach is definitely simpler for users than having them declare so many namespaces, prefixes and schemaLocations in all their .composite and .componentType files.

Secondly, suppose we release kernel and ruby extension using V1.0 of a namespace. We then release V1.1 of the kernel which makes schema changes so we need a new version of its schema, say 1.1; this requires a new V1.1 namespace. How does a user validate the V1.1 kernel XML with V1.0 XML for the ruby extension? The same issue applies as new versions of the ruby or any other extension are produced.

I'm lost, sorry. It would help to go through a real concrete example. The Ruby XSD defines a RubyImplementation complex type extending the OSOA SCA base Implementation complex type, and an implementation.ruby global element with substitutionGroup = "the OSOA SCA implementationGroup" . It has no dependencies on another Tuscany kernel XSD. I'm actually not sure what you mean by "kernel XML". As far as I know there is no "kernel XSD" and I don't see how some "kernel XML" would reference a Ruby component. Can you help me understand with a real example? Thanks.

The scheme you describe allows users to reuse the same namespace because it does not change the namespace when parts of the schema are released. This means there are multiple definitions of the same localPart in that namespace which is well known as being a real issue.

This is generally understood enough that there was a explicit decision at the Assembly f2f last week (which we both attended) to discourage this redefinition in SCA schemas due to the problems it causes. Heck, we probably spent half the meeting discussing mechanisms to cope with poor schemas that already suffer from this problem - we do not need to make Tuscany's some of those.

We spent a lot of time discussing the usage of namespaces in SCA applications but we did not change at all to use different namespaces for the different SCA specifications. Maybe you are confusing the SCA SCDL schema and user schemas used in an SCA application? As far as I know, binding and component implementation type extensions (,, binding.jms, etc) are still in a single namespace, still using a '.' notation to build unique names in that single namespace. I think that this is an important characteristic of the SCA model, we are trying to avoid an unnecessary proliferation of namespaces. I want to keep the same approach in Tuscany: keep the programming model simple.

You state below that coordination is required for multiple namespaces but that simply isn't correct when versioning is done as the references between them are to specific versions. Supporting that is more work for us as implementors as we need to support the multiple versions, but that is our problem and not users'.


On Jan 25, 2007, at 5:50 PM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Jeremy Boynes wrote:
On Jan 24, 2007, at 1:22 PM, Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

The C++ runtime allows bindings and component implementation types to share a common Tuscany namespace and updates to them do not require an update of the Kernel. We simply load the SCDL XSD files out of each runtime extension directory and they can contribute to a common namespace.

As far as I know the Java runtime does not load or make any use of the SCDL XSDs at this point, so I don't understand what the issues would be with the Java runtime.

The bindings and component implementation types defined by the OSOA specs are in a single OSOA namespace. I think that the bindings and component implementation types introduced by the Tuscany project should be in a single Tuscany namespace.

Extensions provided by other projects can be in other namespaces obviously.

How does this scheme address the versioning issues associated with XML namespaces?

Could you explain what you mean by this?

The spec addresses them by coordinating releases from all binding and implementation groups.

Is that right? I am not aware that all specs sharing the OSOA namespace are going to be released at the same time. I understand that the SCA core namespace needs to be released before the extensions, but I can imagine different extensions being released independently. If there are dependencies between the various XSDs (for example a complex type extending another one) their updates obviously need to coordinated but this would be true with multiple namespaces as well.

Doing the same in Tuscany would take us back to a model where we need to coordinate kernel and all extension releases which is something we have decided not to do (for very good reasons).

Like I said before I don't think that we need to update the kernel when extensions change. The Tuscany C++ runtime for example picks up extension XSDs from extension directories independent of the kernel, and is able to pick up newer versions of these XSDs without any change in the kernel. The Java runtime could do the same, but again at the moment it does not load or make any use of the XSDs anyway...

I still don't see any concrete issue at this point.



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