It actually is unknowable.  It is the nature of the work.

The branch could go nowhere.  It could become the basis for people to
quickly these scenarios to the trunk.  It could expose problems
earlier than would otherwise be found on the trunk.

At a minimum, it will not disrupt continued progress on the trunk, and
by being done in the open and under a compatible license, it can be
readily cannibalized at any point.

I wanted to know if the goal was to develop against trunk or to develop against branch. Wouldn't people know this at the outset, i.e. what the purpose of branching is? I realize goals may change as things evolve but it would be nice to know what the initial objectives are. Those are still unclear to me. Sebastien mentioned, "The main goal of this branch is integration and stabilization, so I'd prefer to not use it for big new features that would destabilize it, but I'm sure that we'll need incremental improvements and fixes to the existing features in that branch". Yet the list of "requirements" he put on the wiki entail significant additions to the existing architecture. For example, the runtime and client api are changed in the SCA specifications, which means none of the existing samples (e.g. BigBank) or runtimes work on any revision of the code base.

So, what would really help me is for someone to clarify for me the following:

- To satisfy those requirements, is the intent to do that significant work in branch and how will it be moved into trunk? Or, is it intended that the work be done in trunk and rolled into branch?

- If it is the latter, how is this any different than the process of using Maven snapshots that we have already set up?

- If the goal is to do significant work in branch, what happens when changes in trunk are incompatible with new work in the branch?

I'm all for people doing revolutions or blowing off steam but more clarity and discussion about what is going on would be helpful for me.

The other question I had is how this relates to the release process others of us are working toward that was started back in January. I think having this branch called the "next milestone" release is confusing. I'm all for simultaneous release processes if that helps ease friction or provides people what they need but what then do we call the work going on in trunk? In keeping with our Italian theme and the idea of blowing off smoke, maybe the branch can be tagged "fumo" :-) Are there some precedents for this in other projects?


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