On Feb 6, 2007, at 12:11 PM, Jeremy Boynes wrote:

One of the things that is changing in the spec is the way in which user code outside SCA can access SCA resources. The CompositeContext and CurrentCompositeContext classes have been replaced with ComponentContext. You can see a prototype of this in the spec/sca-api-r1.0 module.

This has a direct impact on user code including all our samples and SCATestCase. The old way using CurrentCompositeContext is no longer available and so we need to define alternatives.

There are many ways in which a Tuscany runtime can be started, including:
* from application code, using an installed distribution
* from a Maven plugin like the itest one
* using a command line wrapper like the launcher and startServer commands
* in a web-application using a ServletContextListener
and so forth.

For the web-app case, I think the easiest solution for users is to automatically make the ComponentContext, Property values, and References available as ServletContext attributes. They would supply the URI for a component whose implementation type is <tuscany:webapp> as a context parameter and the listener would do the rest. Application code (servlets and jsps) would typically get properties and references from the servlet context.

The same could be used for the launcher. Instead of passing in a jar file on the command line, the would supply the URI for a component whose implementation is <tuscany:launched> which would reference a class that implemented Runnable. The launcher would boot the runtime and invoke the component's run() method.

The itest plugin would need a harness composite defined which would either <include> the composite-under-test or use it to implement a component. The harness composite would also contain a component whose references would target services from the composite-under- test. We can use a implementation of <tuscany:junit> to define the test class and introspection to run the tests it contains (probably through surefire); this can automatically inject property and reference values into the TestCase instance.

For API code we can add
  ComponentContext getComponentContext(URI componentId)
to the TuscanyRuntime interface. Code that is using an installed standalone distribution can use the helpers in o.a.t.runtime.standalone to instantiate a StandaloneRuntime and from that get the ComponentContext for a component.

I've implemented the user-facing parts of this in the standalone and webapp runtimes but both require that the user's component is deployed into the system (i.e. it's part of the assembly and it's implementation artifacts are available).

Raymond, Luciano, you both talked about getting the deployment infrastructure working - is this in the works and near a point where I would be able to pick it up?

In the meantime, I'm going to get started on the maven plugin.

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