On Feb 12, 2007, at 4:48 AM, Valerio Schiavoni wrote:

On 2/9/07, Jeremy Boynes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Fractal would be great :-)


The tag for M2 is here:

i get this error when trying 'mvn -Peclipse eclipse:eclipse' on this module:

I get that as well. If you run just 'mvn' first so all the artifacts are present locally then you can get past that.

However, I ran into another problem downloading the neethi pom which I think is due to the eclipse download site not returning 404 for files that aren't there (it does that occasionally) :-( I had to comment out the <repository> element for eclipse in tools/pom.xml to get it to work.

The monolithic build in M2 was plagued with stuff like this - we've moved to a more modular structure in trunk to avoid these types of problem.


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