On Feb 21, 2007, at 12:50 PM, Luciano Resende wrote:

If we follow the pattern we have been using for SDO, DAS, once we build the project, the samples are built together to make sure changes on the core didn't break functionality used by the samples. In the case of SCA, don't we want to do the same, and when building sca, we would build the samples as well ? (e.g java/sca, java/samples/sca and java/distribution/ sca)... While we still don't have the ideal unit/integration tests that would exercise all our scenarios, the sample applications have always a good source to help as
improve quality in the project.

Maybe one solution would be to have those items moved to inside the sca

We decided a while back to move samples and tests into their modules. There are two modules under sca already for testing the baseline:

I think the issue stems from the idea of "building sca" - "sca" isn't a module or a distribution; instead we have a whole collection of modules under there (kernel, runtime, etc.) that can be built and distributed independently.

Integration testing is about testing integration - not just between modules in the build but also about integration with platforms. When doing a release we would want to verify that *identical* distributions work in different environments. That means integration testing is not about what was built on your local machine but that a candidate distribution someone else built works in the environments you are testing. The monolithic profile builds don't support this.

The same with samples. It's not enough to know that a sample runs, it's important to know that it runs if the user follows the instructions. Users typically don't have the source code on their machine, they typically use a downloaded binary distribution; they typically don't have artifacts in their local repo so its important to know that the artifacts they will be downloading are consistent. Again, the monolithic builds don't support this either.

Having the profiles there encourages bad behaviour on our part in that the longer we keep building as a monolith the further away we remain from the user experience.


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