I found the layout here a little confusing, especially on the distinction between someone who want's to write an SCA application and test/run it on Tuscany and someone who is looking to start contributing to Tuscany itself.

I'd suggest the following changes:
* rename "User Guide" to "Quick Start Guide", keeping the content the same this would show someone how to download a release and run the core samples

* keep "Developer Guide" and focus the content on someone developing an SCA application on Tuscany
  this would focus on tools they use such as the plugins etc.
  also links to application APIs etc.

* rename "Extension Developer Guide" to "Contributor Guide"
  this would show someone how to download/build Tuscany from SVN
it would also capture out project guidelines such as code style, contributing patches etc. it would also link to architectural documentation, internal API docs etc etc.

I'd also like to propose an "Embedders Guide" which focuses on how to embed Tuscany in another environment, with links to the runtime structures and the host APIs

Shelita, I think you're working on the first one of these, and thanks. I'll start on some of the others.


On Feb 23, 2007, at 8:25 AM, Shelita Overton wrote:

Based on the previous discussions, I have created empty pages for a
Developer Guide and an Extension Developer Guide, (User Guide has been
already created).
http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/TUSCANY/SCA+Java +Documentation

There was some current existing documents that were listed as children of the User guide, I moved their links to the developers guide. Specifically,
the links to Tuscany Architecture Guide and the Setting up an "SCA
Developer" environment were moved to the Developer Guide. Let me know if
this is not correct.

I would like to start to work on the user guide since I have a fresh mind (no Tuscany experience). As mentioned before, I welcome any help that I can
get... Thank you to Simon and Dan who have already stepped up to this
initiative. I guess I'll start with a quick verification of the download

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