On Feb 28, 2007, at 10:15 AM, Jim Marino wrote:
If you want to remove debug, do (adjusting for your IDE, this works
with IDEA):
java -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -
Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=y,address=5005 -
jar ../../../runtime/standalone/smoketest/target/assembly/bin/
launcher.jar target/loan-application.jar target/loan-application.jar
And start up remote debugging in your IDE. You can also run the
launcher directly in the IDE. If you need to run integration tests,
we have a JUnit component type that is part of the iTest pluging.
This makes righting tests easy as you just create a TestCase and
configure it as an SCA component.
Sorry for having to manually create the distro but once we have the
release set, things should be as simple as just using java -jar
<path to launcher> <sample app>.
Let me know how you get along.
I also sent info recently on setting up IDEA for debugging:
You can also run/debug as an application (assuming you get the IDE
set up right). In IDEA I have:
* classpath from the launcher module
* main class = org.apache.tuscany.launcher.Main
* JVM parameters = -ea -Dtuscany.installDir=${SCA}/runtime/standalone/
* Program parameters = calc.jar add 2 3
* Working directory = ${SAMPLES}/standalone/calculator/target
That probably translates to Eclipse somehow.
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