I cleaned up the doco a little - can you take a look and see if it makes sense (and if not fix it :-) )

On Mar 14, 2007, at 10:01 AM, Ignacio Silva-Lepe wrote:

Hmm, yeah, I remember doing something like that earlier with the
distribution, but I thought things had changed. In any case, if this
really is the procedure to follow, it should be documented accor-
dingly in the standalone calculator readme.

On 3/14/07, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Are you just trying to run from the launcher project ? You need to get a standalone runtime from the assembly, that will have the launcher and more
stuff as well.

Try unzipping the assembly from :

And then trying to run as :

java -jar {path-to-launcher.jar} target/calc.jar
{add|subtract|multiply|divide} {param} {param}

Luciano Resende

On 3/14/07, Ignacio Silva-Lepe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm probably missing something, but according to the readme for the core
> samples standalone calculator, I should be able to:
> java -jar {path-to-launcher.jar} target/calc.jar
> {add|subtract|multiply|divide} {param} {param}
> but when I try it I get NoClassDefFoundError as follows:
C:\Devt\eclipse-311\eclipse\workspace\trunk\sca\core-samples \standalone\calculat
> or>java -jar
> c:\Devt\eclipse-311\eclipse\workspace\trunk\sca\runtime\standalone\
> launcher\target\launcher-
> 2.0-alpha2-incubating-SNAPSHOT.jartarget\calculator.ja
> r add 2 3
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> org/apache/tuscany/ru
> ntime/standalone/DirectoryHelper
>         at org.apache.tuscany.launcher.Main.main(Main.java:68)
> btw, notice that the calculator jar is not named calc.jar
> Any ideas about what else I need to specify to get this to run?
> Thanks

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