On Mar 16, 2007, at 2:03 PM, Antollini, Mario wrote:

Hello Meeraj,

I have read several emails and I got to know that you are working on the Discovery service. I am very interested in this topic and I will like to
get a better understanding about it.

Great to have you involved.

I have seen that you have also mentioned the Federated Deployer,
Federated Assembly and Marshaling Framework throughout your posts. I
think all these components are somewhat connected to the Service
Discovery mechanism, aren't they? I will really appreciate if you can
give me some details on how they all interact, if they do so at all.
And, I will also like to understand the big picture here; i.e. what is
the main goal you are trying to achieve with all that. In addition to
that I will like to understand the role JXTA plays here and how it also
interacts with these components.

Their interaction is only indirect - they are more just using it as a transport.

The discovery layer is responsible for determining which runtime processes are participating in the federation at any time. We're using JXTA for that as it is a standard peer-to-peer protocol and is available in many different languages, specifically both Java and C++ which are the two runtime implementations we have in Tuscany. We also want other protocols to work as well (for example, Bonjour or JINI) but want to get one working first.

As well as tracking the available processes it also provides a mechanism for allowing those processes to exchange messages and we are using that to send management operations across the system fabric.

Some of those management operations are associated with federated deployment. SCA's deployment model is based on the concept of changes to the domain assembly (e.g. include composite). Our implementation of that routes those changes to the controller nodes (at first one, next replicated, finally distributed) which take those logical changes and convert them to the physical ones that need to be made on participating runtimes. With the JXTA-based fabric, those are XML encoded JXTA messages; the marshalling framework is all about converting between those messages and the internal data structures (physical model) used by the Java runtime (C++ does not support this yet).

The federated deployer is a runtime node service that receives demarshalled change set messages from the fabric and applies the changes they contain to the local runtime - basically creating, removing resources, components and wires.

At the moment there's no interaction between JXTA and user components but if that was useful then we would just need to create a transport component implementation and wire attacher on the physical side and the binding support on the controller side.

Finally, I would like to know which is its is (i.e.; what it is already
able to do, what parts are missing, if you are willing to receive any
help, you are planning to get it ready for M3, etc).

We are in heavy development right now planning to show it working next week at TSSS - any help would be appreciated, both now and ongoing. All of this is happening in trunk for the 2.0-alpha2 release.

As you saw I am asking way too many things, however I will be really
glad if you can answer at least some of these questions.

Hope I covered the key points.

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