On 3/21/07, kelvin goodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

There's an example in

Hope that helps,

On 21/03/07, muhwas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to run hello world web service sample. I
> am following instructions given with the sample.
> According to instruction
> 1. To build the sample  issue :
> mvn
> 2. Set up the Tuscany standalone runtime environment
> using the following command:
> mvn dependency:unpack
> After completion there should be a target\distribution
> subdirectory created that has the Tuscany standalone
> runtime.
> But when i am running "mvn dependency:unpack". I am
> getting error.
> [0] inside the definition for plugin:
> 'maven-dependency-plugin'specify the foll
> wing:
> <configuration>
>    ...
>    <artifactItems>VALUE</artifactItems>
> </configuration>.
> Can somebody please tell me what should i specify in
> the articatItems to fix this problem.
> thank you,
> muhwas
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Hi Muhwas

Looking at your question I seems you are trying the M2 SCA distribution. I
had a go at downloading the sca bin and sample jars and get the same effect
as you. I.e. the unpack stage doesn't. I don't know how the poms, as
configured in the downloads, are intended to work. I expect someone involved
in M2 will be able to give us the details. However I can make it work
manually (I tried the standalone calculator sample as it's a little simpler
to start with).

I downloaded tuscany-sca-1.0-incubator-M2-bin.zip and unpacked it to
I downloaded tuscany-sca-1.0-incubator-M2-samples.zip and unpacked it to
cd \samples
cd \samples\standalone\calculator (I just did this to be as faithful to the
readme as I could)
java -jar ..\..\..\sca-bin\bin\launcher.jar target\sample-calculator.jar

3 + 2=5.0
3 - 2=1.0
3 * 2=6.0
3 / 2=1.5
Which looks like the right kind of thing.

I'm not able to use mvn in the calculator directory directly unless I mess
around with the pom hierarchy so maybe this is a bug.
Not sure why the unpack doesn't work. You can do an unpack-dependencies and
this will get you all the class files but you would have to work out your
java classpath and get the launcher up and running.

Anyhow. I hope that helps. I'm sure an M2 expert will be on soon and can
tell us the real answer.



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