I think allowing changes to PK columns would be a mistake.

Brent Daniel wrote:


 I think we intended to not allow any updates to the primary key
field. If we do want to allow this, I would suggest that the fix is to
have the UpdateGenerator use the old value of the PK field for the
where clause rather than the current value. That way you would get
something like "update ORDERDETAILS set ORDER_ID=10 where ORDER_ID = 1
and ORDER_ID = 1". The duplication is inefficient, but shouldn't


On 4/4/07, Amita Vadhavkar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi All,

In addition to the problem mentioned in below link,

Found one more issue when tried to have a PK on the same table
And update is attempted to update ORDER_ID to a new value (1->10) using

Now the scene in UpdateGenerator.getUpdateCommand(), takes into account the
PK list
(which is not zero now) and forms a update statement as

update ORDERDETAILS set ORDER_ID = ? where ORDER_ID = ? and ORDER_ID = ?

Here in the where clause - 2nd ORDER_ID param is marked as collision param
first ORDER_ID param is not.

Due to this, in ChangeOperation.execute(), the 1st ORDER_ID param in where
clause calls
setValue() and 2nd ORDER_ID param in where clause does not (as its

So the final statement becomes:- e.g.

update ORDERDETAILS set ORDER_ID = 10 where ORDER_ID = 10 and ORDER_ID = 1

This results in "An update collision occurred "-

To avoid this problem, in UpdateGenerator.getUpdateCommand(), in the PK list
part, we need to check for collision, as we are checking in the later code
and set value
of the param in where clause, if collision is the case indeed.
Or have additional intelligence in the update generation logic to avoid
where clauses
like where ORDER_ID = ?  and ORDER_ID = ? , by omitting duplications

Please let me know what is a right approach and if it needs a JIRA+patch.



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