Luciano Resende wrote:
Hi Sebastien

  Your understanding is very right, with the new artifactProcessor
interfaces, we should be able to separate the load phases in multiple phases
as you described.

  As for your specific questions, let me try to clarify :

- The assembly module deals with 3 types of files, .componentType,
.constrainingType, .composite.
Does that mean I have to implement 3 ArtifactProcessors?

Not necessarily, you can associate multiple file types with same processor, as an example, I had previously associated .scdl and .composite all with the SCDLProcessor. It all depends on the algorithms used to process these files,
if they are the same or very simmilar, you might consider building one
artifact processor, otherwise, you should create multiple processors

If the answer is yes, how do I associate a particular ArtifactProcessor
with a file type?

Basically, the PackageProcessors will scan a file system or jar archive
contribution, and for each artifact, it will use the contentType describer
to identify what type of file it is, and call the artifactProcessor
registered for the artifact type. At the moment, an artifactProcessor can
only register for one type, but you make the contentType describer recognize
multiple files extensions as one unique type as the example I described
above (.scdl and .composite).

Talking about this, one thing that I wasn't planning to do for now, is
plugability to extend the contentType describer, so new types could be
recognized... but I'm starting to think we might need this ? Thoughts ?

BTW, I should have the artifactResolver registry and other things necessary
to exercise the processors you are implementing by EOD today (sometime
tonight) ...

I think that we need to make this extensible, to support different content types without having to go change the code in a central ContentDescriber. I'm also not sure about how an artifact processor can be associated with a content type.

So, instead of each extension having to:
- write a ContentDescriber that returns a ContentType for say .composite files
- register the ContentDescriber in some registry
- having to know about an ArtifactProcessorRegistry in my ArtifactProcessor implementation
- register myself in that registry with that content type for .composite...

Could we start simple and I would just implement a String getContentType() method (to be added to ArtifactProcessor), return ".composite" from that method, and that would be your indication that you need to invoke me on .composite files?


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