Thank you for your feedback on RC2. I have created a new release candidate
on the basis of the comments I have received.  I'll close this vote and see
how we get on with this next RC before starting another vote.

RC3 is at
the tag, rat reports, and release notes remain the same as they were for the
start note of this thread.

For this iteration I have, fixed all the small typos and inaccuracies that
were pointed out in the README, LICENSE and samples documentation.  I've
also made sure the jar names are all consistent and rearranged the structure
of the samples archive a little,  including putting the correct javadoc in
that archive.  This slip caused me to build a script  for creating the
distribution  (

The issue I haven't addressed yet is whether I should be publishing the
artifacts to the maven repo right now,  or when I start a new vote,  or when
that vote is completed.  Ant sent me some links to discussion threads from
other projects that have been  coming up against this issue,  which I'll
digest as soon as I can.  For your ref they are ...

Regards, Kelvin.

On 11/04/07, kelvin goodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Please vote to release the M3 distribution of Tuscany SDO for Java

The release candidate RC2 for Tuscany Java SDO is posted here ....<>
 <>The release
audit tool (rat) files and associated exceptions are attached to the jira
under which the release work was done, here ....
The tag for the source code is here .....
Changes in this release are shown here .....


Thanks in advance,

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