+1 from me. - Venkat
On 4/23/07, kelvin goodson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Andy has taken part in SDO Java and C++ discussions since November of 2006, in particular in the area of the Community Test Suite (CTS). As some of you may not follow this closely, I've distilled quite a bit of detail from the lists to show Andy's participation. He ... - been active in creating and resolving numerous JIRAs - did some of the work of the initial drop of tests to the SDO Java CTS from Rogue Wave and in the CTS infrastructure design, including ensuring vendor independence. - has discovered and offered solutions to a number of anomalies between the CTS and the specification - developed and contributed tests for testing XML schema choice function. - provided good insights to the required and permitted behaviours of implementations when dealing with elements which are nillable - has taken part in discussions for an M1 release of the CTS - Initiated discussions on DataHelper formats wrt dates and durations - developed new test cases for spec section 9.10 -- XML without Schema to SDO Type and Property - solicited input from the Tuscany community with respect to the equivalence or otherwise of null URIs versus empty strings, in order to feed back to the spec group - took a significant part in discussions of how to ensure the CTS is test harness agnostic, and provided patches to update tests to assist in this goal - contributed a set of tests for XSD complex types - provided support to the community with problems running the CTS and with insights into new Junit features Aside from Tuscany, Andy has been active in the SDO Java and C++ specification efforts, and I think he will be a great asset to the project. Regards, Kelvin.