This is partly a Tuscany implementation question, and partly a CTS /
specification question.
I have the following XML document and there is no XSD defined.
<root xmlns="http://test/";><name lang="en_US">Adam</name></root>
If I use XMLHelper to load the document and then run this code ...
        Property nameProp = root.getInstanceProperty( "name" );
        Object name = root.get( nameProp );
I get an "org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.FeatureMapUtil$FeatureEList" object
returned, which does not appear to implement any SDO interfaces.
Does Tuscany provide a way to get the simple content of the "name"
element as well as the "lang" attribute?
>From reading the 2.1 specification, my understanding is that "name"
should be a DataObject with a "lang" property representing the attribute
and a special "value" property representing the simple content. Will
Tuscany be supporting this 2.1 feature?

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