On 4/24/07, Simon Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


So I think it comes down to whether it is more important to put
something out by JavaOne (in which case I'd be hesitant to call it
"beta") or whether it is more important to attain a true "beta" level
of quality even if that takes a little bit longer.

I guess a lot comes down to everyones slightly different perceptions as to
what the name "beta" implies, what do others think about this? Should we:

1) continue aiming for a beta1 release around JavaOne timeframe
2) continue with a beta1 release but take a bit more time
3) aim for a release around JavaOne timeframe but change to a non-"beta"
release name, alpha-x or maybe a numeric like 0.90?

I probably favor (2) as looking at things people have said they'd like to
get done it seems unlikely to me we'll be ready by JavaOne anyway.


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