Excellent thanks, thats type type feedback I was looking for! Comments in

On 4/30/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I have a few questions and suggestions.
- tuscany-sca.jar contains .svn directories, I guess they should be
removed from the JAR.

I can't see these, i could just be blind or maybe its something different
about our environments could you give an example of what the file names are?

- Also 2 empty xsds at the root of the JAR and com.example packages,
they must be coming from one of the examples?

The com.example.* files are coming from the databinding-jaxb and
databinding-sdo modules, we need to fix those modules but I'm not sure how.
It looks like the jaxb and sdo plugins need to some way to say they're test
resources. Any one know how to fix this?

I can't see the 2 empty xsds, something different about our environments

- I guess we're going to rename this to sca-1.0-beta1-incubating?

Yes, the name should be being picked up from the pom, but i'll test it does
change. (Using the current format the name would be 1.0-incubating-beta1, do
we really want 1.0-beta1-incubating?)

- Like you said above, we'll have to include the javadoc for our SPIs.

Yes, I guess I can add that in now even though the SPIs aren't done by just
including the tuscany-core-spi module javadoc. Is javadoc for just these two
modules enough (sca-api and core-spi). I've added this now, are there other
modules we want javadoc for?

- How did you produce the single META-INF/services/...ModuleActivator
file? is it generated?

This is done in the java/sca/distribution/bundle project using the Maven
Shade plugin, see in the pom.xml the shade config where a Shade
AppendingTransformer is used to merge all the ModuleActivator files into
one. No doc at all about the Shade plugin that I could find, I got this from
looking at the CXF build and the Shade plugin source code.

- We have two different servlet-api JARs, should we pick one?

Fixed. The 6.0.10 one was coming from the http-tomcat module so i've added
exclusions in that pom.xml.

- Could we have, in the bin distro, a tuscany-sca-src.jar containing all
the source code for the classes in tuscany-sca.jar?

Thats a good idea, I'm not sure how though. The tuscany-sca.jar is built
from all the <dependency> elements listed in the
distribution/bundle/pom.xml, I could make a src jar by just zipping up
everything in sca/modules but it may end up including more than is in the
tuscany-sca.jar. Anyone have any better ideas on how to do this?

- How about renaming tuscany-sca.jar to tuscany-sca-all.jar, or any name
indicating that it's all the tuscany code?

OK, done.

- The NOTICE will have to be updated as it contains obsolete dependencies.

Yep. Over the next days I'll trawl through all the license and notice files
to make sure they're correct.

- I think it would be great to have Ant build scripts for some of the
samples, as not everybody is using Maven.

Me too, I'll try to get one going today. Should we have all the samples have
both maven and Ant build scripts, or just Ant, or some samples have Ant and
others have Maven?

- Pre-built sample JARs would be great too, but not as important if we
have a simple Ant build for the samples.

There are pre-built sample jars in the sample target directory, eg,

I've updated the distribution build scripts with the above changes now.


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