Hi Frank,

Frank Budinsky wrote:

Type.isDataType() is the way to distinguish between complex and simple types.

Thanks for the tip.

I have several other comments below.
I'll just preface these by saying that
this is just my initial impression / hunch.
I figured I'd point these out while they are fresh
in case they end up being useful, and might
make it onto an SDO FAQ or something.
Since EMF has been around for some time, I imagine
their could be other EMFers with a similar questions/concerns.

OK - Here goes:

Ideally for me at least I would love it
if SDO had "EReferences", "EDataTypes", and "EAttributes".

One benefit is that when documenting
I can just say "EReference".

Currently I have to say something like "When Type.isDataType() returns true". Minor point, but when writing a lot of documentation and comparing type systems, it adds up. (SIDE NOTE: I got to the bottom and noticed you pointed out the DataObject Types and DataTypes labeling - Thanks).

Also, (As I'm sure you know given that you co-authored the very excellent Eclipse Modeling Framework Book :-) )
with EMF EReferences are ready to go on their own list,
and the same goes for EAttributes.

Now it seems
like the first natural step when processing a DataGraph
is to always check the Type of a Type...

This is just my initial impression though, but
it does seem like this whole step could be skipped if
something similar to EReferences and EAttributes
were used.

I think Tuscany may already have a utility for this,
but the EMF way still seems cleaner, faster, and better
organized to me.  I a utility handled the separation
in Tuscany in order to avoid the isDataType check
when processing the DataGraph separating the DataTypes
from the DataObjectTypes does that lead to additional overhead?
Seems like EMFs approach is more efficient.

Looking at the scenario backwards with the "Fastest and simplest"
API in mind it seems like XSD and EMF have it nailed.  I guess the
only way I can prove it is by showing a use case where the additional
semantics of XSD and EMF lead to less calls.  If I end up "Unproving"
it I think I'll be more at ease with the isDataType() call :-)

Simple types map to a type with isDataType=true, complex types map to types with isDataType=false. They are often referred to as "Data types" and "DataObject types", respectively.

Ah - Thanks - That should definitely help with the documentation part.
I'll make sure I put these notes in the concept section of the
LDAP DAS Design Guide.  I think I still like EReference and EAttribute
better, since I can put these in a class diagram, but it's a fairly minor consideration.

- Ole


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