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Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

Good timing, as I am actually starting to work on some lazy + incremental loading and resolution of SCA assemblies. I had the following in mind:

step 1:
- change the CompositeProcessor to not resolve its references to others until it's actually referenced by another composite (through an <include> or an <implementation.composite>) or included in the domain as a deployable.

Yes, this is an essential first step. Resolution should cascade down from composites that are actually deployed. Mere presence in a contribution should have no significance in this process.

step 2:
- extend that logic to other implementation types as well


step 3:
- not even read the entire composite until it's needed, just register its name in the ArtifactResolver and stop there (we just need the top level element to know its name), then actually read and process its contents later in the resolution phase

It may not ultimately gain us much in performance, but it will make testing a damned sight easier. Testing can probe small pieces of a larger configuration - the last thing you want is some error in one part of a contribution screwing up tests running against some other part.

I have started to experiment with step 1. I'm not sure yet about step 3 as I'll have to run concrete tests to evaluate what we actual gain by doing it.

That covers the lazy loading part.

Another aspect I'm starting to look into is incremental changes to an SCA domain, as we add/remove contributions, add/remove composites to/from an SCA domain in memory model, we need to configure/unconfigure bindings, wire/unwire references, break/fix pieces of the assembly model, incrementally. I'll post more ideas later on the subject, in a different thread.

This calls for another thread of discussion. This is required. Part of the thinking here is that there may be different kinds of repository for contribution material - some "passive" like a file system, some "active" like a formal repository. Operations of adding/updating/removing elements in the repository should generate events that signal changes to the runtime, which the runtime must then act on.

Another part of the thinking here is that in a distributed runtime, different parts of the Domain configuration will be targeted at different runtime nodes. There is a question about how it is decided that a given part of the domain ends up on a given node.

Makes sense?

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