Huang Kai

  Please see the following post [1] for more details on using
multiple contributions, it also gives you pointer for a sample that is
in my sandbox and use EmbeddedSCADomain with multiple contributions.


On 5/31/07, Luciano Resende <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi Huang Kai, thanks for your interest and feedback, see my comments
inline for the issues you mentioned, some are bugs, some are
functionalities that are not yet implemented and it would be great if
you would be interested in helping us get these  implemented.

On 5/31/07, Huang Kai <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, all:
>     I got several question when looking into Tuscany's codes:
> IMO, a contribution is a deployment unit, so a domain should be allowed to 
have more than one contribution. While Tuscany only handles one contribution.
> DefaultSCADomain:
>              // Look for META-INF/sca-contribution.xml
>             contributionArtifactPath = Contribution.SCA_CONTRIBUTION_META;
>             contributionArtifactURL = 
> Should it be "classLoader.getResources(contributionArtifactPath)" for 
multiple contributions?
> And following codes doesn't handle multiple contribution neither. Like 
'ContributionServiceImpl.addContribution', is called only once.

This really depends on how the hosting environment discover all
contributions and decide which ones to be added to the domain. I think
there was a discussion thread on this subject, or if not, I'll start a
new one.

> in SCA spec write: "...accommodate this, it is also possible to have an 
identically structured document at META-INF/sca-contribution-generated.xml. If this document 
exists (or is generated on an as-needed basis), it will be merged into the contents of 
sca-contribution.xml, with the entries in sca-contribution.xml taking priority if there are 
any conflicting declarations."
> Tuscany seems won't load sca-contribution-generated.xml if 
sca-contribution.xml exists.

Yes, this is a bug, would you please raise a JIRA for it ? And it
would be great if you want to help with a patch as well.

> Tuscany do resolved 'import' and 'export' in 'sca-contribution.xml'. If only 
one contribution is resolved, as said in (1), import/export become meaningless.

This import/export functionality is not fully implemented in Tuscany
yet, there is a JIRA for this

> contribution meta document resolving hard-coded xml element name , not as 
extensible as DefaultURLArtifactProcessorExtensionPoint used else where.
> see also SCA spec
> "...For example, <> can be used can be used to export java definitions, 
in which case the namespace should be a fully qualified package name."

This is not implemented yet, any contribution on this and the other
mentioned areas would be appreciated.

Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

Luciano Resende
Apache Tuscany Committer

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