----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mike Edwards" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, July 06, 2007 9:34 PM
Subject: Need spec defined Databindings? Was: (TUSCANY-824) DataBinding: Is it 
a concern of Programming Model vs. Assembly?

> Folks,
> OK, finally, I bite  ;-)
> The question for me is whether we need the SCA (Java) spec to define 
> some standard metadata (typically annotations) for databindings of 
> services & references.
> I make the assumption that for much of the time, it is possible to work 
> out the required databinding simply by inspection of the types of the 
> parameters involved.  If you find an SDO object, if you find a JAXB 
> object, etc.
> So is the real issue the case where mixed types of data objects turn up? 
>  Or are there ambiguous cases where you can't tell what the kind of 
> object is?
> I suppose that we can take two views of cases like these:
> a) Don't go there, it's not valid.
> b) OK, annotate your code enough to tell us exactly what you expect to 
> happen.
> If we want to go down the second path, then I'm happy to carry back 
> requirements to the SCA Java WG, but I'd really like an appreciation of 
> just how common this case is likely to be.
> Views please....
> Yours,  Mike.
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