On 7/2/07, Simon Laws (JIRA) <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org> wrote:


Simon Laws commented on TUSCANY-1379:

As part of the distributed runtime there is an implementation of a node
(somewhere where Tuscany applications can run) that contains a NodeSCADomain
instance which is provided to run a composite containing management
components. The node looks for a file called nodename.node which is
actually just a normal composite file. I have only created one management
component to date, ComponentRegistry, but of course it's easy to create new
ones and use all of the facilities to expose them to the outside world.

The node can also contain 1 or more DistributedSCADomains. These are
pretty similar to the embedded domain with a few small exceptions. Once
change is that the DistributedSCADomain holds a reference to the
NodeSCADomain and in this way various parts of the runtime can get hold of
local references to management components as required.

One thing that worries me about this is that the .node file is expected to
hold a specific set of management components for the node to work and I
haven't included specific validation to ensure that this is the case yet.

I'm not sure I completely understand this (please bare with me, i've not
really looked at any of the distributed runtime stuff before). Is the
NodeSCADomain a completely separate SCADomain? And if so is it used just as
a way to enable writing management applications using SCA? Or is the
NodeSCADomain only really necessary for the distributed runtime? - so in the
non-distributed case if there's some way for applications to get at some
runtime object implementing the management interface could a management
application just be a regular composite/contribution deployed into the
existing SCADomain? How do the components in the .node composites running in
the NodeSCADomain get hold of the  runtime things to do management functions
- is there any samples showing its being used?


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