
I tried this further by adding a little bit of code in the
WSDLDocumentProcessor.read method.  Over there there is a fragment
that scans the schema elements in the read wsdl definition and adds
them to XMLSchemaCollection.  To this loop I added code to peek into
the imported definitions as well and add the schema elements in there
to this XMLSchemaCollection.  Doing this seems to get the imports
going for now.  Not sure if this is the right thing to do.

- Venkat

On 7/19/07, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am taking a look at
https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TUSCANY-1426 and to get to the
crux of that problem I am first trying to see if wsdl imports work.

Here is what I am attempting.  There is B.wsdl that imports A.wsdl,
where B.wsdl has the bindings and services defined and A.wsdl has the
types, messages and porttypes defined.

But this does not seem to work.  It ends up that while Tuscany WSDL
Interface processor is dealing with B.wsdl it does not seem to find
the elements  (remember they are defined inside inline xsd in A.wsdl).

Has this been tried out before?  Could somebody please point me to
samples or itests that have this working in the trunk?

Related to this, but slightly different question is...
- Do we expect WSDL4J to be resolving the imports and handing us over
an aggregated wsdl definition or are we going to use the model  and
artifact resolution mechanisms within Tuscany to do this ?


- Venkat

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