On 7/20/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Simon Laws wrote:
> On 7/20/07, Mike Edwards <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Folks,
>> It is clear from reading other sections of the specification that it is
>> intended that @ConversationID is used in implementation classes other
>> than those of CONVERSATION scope.
>> Further down in 1.2.51 of the JavaComponentImplementation spec, it says
>> the following:
>> 1.      The implementation can be built as a stateless piece of code
>> (essentially, the code expects a new instance of the code to be used
>> each method invocation).  The code must then be responsible for
>> accessing the conversationID of the conversation, which is maintained
>> the SCA runtime code.  The implementation is then responsible for
>> persisting any necessary state data during the processing of a method
>> and for accessing the persisted state data when required, all using the
>> conversationID as a key.
>> This is clear that stateless (ie NOT CONVERSATION scope)
>> can use the conversationID.
>> So I think that @ConversationID is always actioned - the only
>> is how often it gets actioned (a CONVERSATION scoped implementation
>> it just the once, while every invocation of a stateless will require
>> injection).
>> Yours,  Mike.
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>> Thanks Mike

So if I understand correctly:
- a stateless-scoped component is injected with the conversation id when
the request is presented to it
- a composite-scoped component is injected with the conversation id when
the request is presented to it
- a conversation-scoped component is injected once with the conversation
id when it's created (I see this as an optimization)

I was assuming that we were not going to present concurrent requests to
a composite-scoped component (we should serialize them), so it shouldn't
be a problem? However, I couldn't find a statement in the spec about
serialization of concurrent requests targeting composite-scoped
components. Can a composite-scoped component be presented with
concurrent requests?

The current code allows concurrent requests to composite scoped components.
Also, the current code only injects things like @ConversationId when the
component impl is instantiated, i've not looked, but expect its not
completely trivial to have the ConversationId injected on each request
unless the scope is request. Should i go look at these two thing?


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