ant elder wrote:
I think that these URIs should be determined as part of the process of
combining wires and uris specified at different levels in the SCA
assembly. If the correct URIs are determined once as part of this
process, a binding provider should be able to just call
binding.getURI(), without having to calculate it at all, on its own or
even calling a central URI calculator method.

Agreed. Something like this would be a vast improvement. And its the best
way to make sure it works consistently across all binding extensions.


Ok I'll get started on that.

And we need some configuration that describes the base URIs for each
domain.  The base URI information is part of the topology description
but it
doesn't get used yet so we need to get it into the SCADomain. It
should be
configuratin of the  "URI calculator" which could be in the extension
registry so that all bindings can get at it.
I'm not quite getting this part... the extension point registry is
well... a registry for extension points, an extension point contains
extensions (multiple extensions), I can't quite see how a URI calculator
utility is an extension point.

I'm guessing this is just being used as a way to pass base uri infomation
around as to date we don't really have a way to handle system config data.
Whats an alterantive to using this registry?

If we're talking about a domain URI, this is typically model information that can be hosted in a Top level Composite or Domain Composite or Domain model object, whatever we want to call it. If I understand the spec correctly, the cardinality is: 1 Domain -> 1 base URI per protocol used in the domain. The ExtensionPointRegistry is associated with a Runtime instance, not tied to a Domain. I'll propose a new model object to host that domain-wide configuration.


I guess it should be sufficient to report if we run in Jetty or Tomcat,

And there's webapp's or the hotupdate webapp, and doesn't this also include
non http things like rmi host (and jms host if we ever get one of those)?

Right, we have multiple options for HTTP hosts so it's interesting to report which one is used.

It looks like we have only one implementation for RMI or JMS at this point. So I was not thinking about spending time reporting which one is used right now... I'll be happy to spend time sorting out which one is used when we get to a point where we have multiple implementations for these.

All those sound good, and just to add one more, i think there's a bug
(unless its been fixed recently) in the standalone jetty/tomcat
runtimes so
that the port in a endpoint url is used but only for the first
endpoint. So
if you have two binding uri's http://localhost:8080/foo and
http://localhost:8085/bar then both services are exposed on the same one
port and its just whichever port happened to get processed first.
Yes, I've bumped into this one several times too... so I'd like to
volunteer to fix it.

It looks like adding prints is under way too.

In addition I'd like to do the following. When Tuscany starts, make a
Web Page available with its status, http://localhost:9090 for example,
and on that page say Hello Tuscany has started or something like that,
1. display the top level components started
2. display the services available and their endpoints
3. display the extensions loaded in the runtime

I'll probably do 1 and 2 first, leaving 3 for later, depending on how
useful people think it is.

If there's no objection, I'd like to add this sometime before the end of
the week.

There's already a start of exactly this distribution/webapp which i'd
planned to develop further, would you help?

Sure! Where is it? The scenario I'm most interested in is running Tuscany outside of a Web container, so I'd like to see if I can use and add to what you have started in that environment.


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