
I was out on vacation when your original question was posted, so here's my contribution.

Venkata Krishnan wrote:
Thanks Raymond.  A few more questions ;-)

- The xsd defines the name attribute for PolicyIntent and PolicySet as
of type NCName.  However we have model these in the model classes
QNames.  I am assuming that the namespace uri for all intents and
policyset defined in a specific definitions.xml is the value of the
'targetNamespace' attribute of the 'definitions' element.  Is this

Typically, all declarations of name elements for elements which live in a particular namespace are defined in the XSDs as NCNames (see Composite, for example). It is usual for the targetNamespace to declare the namespace into which the elements are being declared.

So, in this case for the intents & policySets, you're right, we'd expect the targetNamespace to be used. Anything else would look distinctly odd.

- Can a qualified intent have its qualifiable parent intent belonging
to a different targetnamespace.  If so how would this be evident from
the name of the qualified intent?  For example if there is an intent
a:intentOne and then there is a qualified intent over this like
intentOne.intentTwo - how is to be inferred that intentOne belongs to
a different namespace

Hmm, we had never intended this. I'd expect the qualified intent and its qualifiers to be in the same namespace. It's not outlawed for them to be in different namespaces, but I've no idea how you would express the definition to indicate this.


- Venkat

Hope this helps,

Yours,  Mike.

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