
Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

I would be surprised if impl="axis" was actually in the SCDL. Instead I'd imagine that impl="axis" would be a characteristic of a particular implementation of <>, not exposed to app developers but used by the policy framework to either select that axis-based implementation over another one when it sees that policy, or validate that the <> implementation in use in your runtime configuration can actually apply the requested policy.

So basically, an SCDL-only based approach may not work, and I'd suggest to seek clarification from the SCA spec workgroup before going down that route.

Nope, the spec intention is only to "validate" against the SCDL - nothing else is involved.

Really "validation" isn't what's going on here. Those @appliesTo attributes are used to say what kind of element the PolicySet is designed for. It is really simply a way of rejecting PolicySets not designed for the element you're processing.

The example involving @impl="axis" is actually a poor one. It assumes that <> is extended with an attribute @impl, which then has some range of values which reflect the available implementations of - "axis" being one of them. But this attribute would have to be in the SCDL, for sure.

What you do have to know is that when you are processing some element that can have intents / policySets applied, then both those on the element AND those in ancestor elements form a set which you have to scan in order to pick out the right one(s). So, you look upwards from the current place and pick out those that apply. XPath is used since not only the element itself can control whether to use the PolicySet, but also its attributes.

The process is not so simple, I would certainly agree, but validation is not the issue - it's a "simple" case of selection that is going on here.

Now, if I can help with more specific points of the algorithm, I'm happy to try to deal with them in other emails....

Yours,  Mike.

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