On 8/22/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll start a different thread to discuss the more long term support for
> <implementation.web>.
> For now, comments inline to cover the immediate WAR size issue for the
> 0.99 release.
> Simon Laws wrote:
> [snip]
> > 1 - what is in the war that is build from these samples - currently all
> of
> > the tuscany jars required
> >
> >
> [snip]
> > Doing 1 is a relatively straightforward exercise of refactoring the
> current
> > war into a slimmed down version. I'm still not convinced that it's a
> good
> > idea to remove the webapp samples and compress everything into a small
> > number of samples
> >
> I think we should just document how to copy the required JARs to the
> Tomcat lib folder and run the stripped down WARs this way, assuming that
> it works.

The problem is likely to be the "assuming that it works" as last time i
tried this it didn't - there's various classloader issues. Changing to use
"deep integration" like we used to also seems like quite a big change to be
doing just moments before we cut a release so could we at least postpone
looking at that till after this release? For this release I think I'm in
favour of just picking a few samples and demos to not ship pre-built and
documenting that in their README's as it seems like the most minimal change.


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