ant elder wrote:
On 9/5/07, Jean-Sebastien Delfino <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
ant elder wrote:
On 8/30/07, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
This thread has gone quiet but there's been more discussion on this in
TUSCANY-1654 (in case people aren't reading all the jira comments).

How about we just have a  ServletHost getContextPath() modeled after the

Servlet APIs getContextPath method?

That seems the easiest way to fix things so i'd like to do this unless
someone has a better approach?


There's a better approach IMO: the getBaseURI method you proposed

Here's my last comment on getContextPath(), which got snipped out of the
thread, so I'm just going to say it again :)

"After reading this:
getContextPath()  seems to return the "path " portion of the URI
starting with /, this is different from the complete request URI. So if
a complete URL from a mapping is not convenient to pass to Axis2 then I
don't think that there's an equivalent in the Servlet APIs and it's
probably best to go back to your initial idea of a getBaseURI() method."

This is also consistent with the comments in TUSCANY-1654, which report
that getContextPath are returning... a path, not the complete URI.

Also the code that you pointed me to does this:
  String filePart = req.getRequestURL().toString(); <-- to get the
complete URL/URI, different from the request path

So I'm still not sure about how this new ServletHost.getXyz() method
will be used, but anyway a getContextPath() doing something different
than the Servlet API getContextPath() will be confusing and I prefer
your initial getBaseURI() proposal.

I think there's some miscommunication going on here. When i said "How about
we just have a  ServletHost getContextPath() modeled after the Servlet APIs
getContextPath method" i meant it would also work like the  Servlet API
method and return a path not a complete URI as with the getBaseURI proposal.
So for the examples given initially a webapp url like,
http://localhost:8080/helloworld-ws-service-webapp and the war distro
http://localhost:8080/tuscany, the new getContextPath method would return
"/helloworld-ws-service-webapp" and "/tuscany" respectively.


Ah I see. Got it... finally :) I'm +1 on it then, ServletHost.getContextPath() is definitely the right approach! Sorry for having mis-understood what you meant before.


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