I'm OK with everything else said in thread so I cut it out to keep this readable.

Raymond Feng wrote:

- A new Message.replyTo endpoint reference field should be added as the "replyTo" endpoint can be different from the "from" endpoint and callback information should be carried in that new replyTo endpoint reference.

I don't agree with this.  The WS-Addressing replyTo field is used for
a reply to the forward message. The semantics of a reply (see section 3.2
of the WS-Addressing spec) are not the same as SCA callback semantics.
An SCA callback is a new message that is additional to the reply for
the original forward message.  A WS-Addressing request/reply exchange
must observe the following requirements:
 1. The request message must contain a MessageID element
 2. The reply message must contain a RelatesTo element containing
    the MessageId of the original request.
Neither of these is needed for callback purposes.  SCA callbacks should
not be tied to the original message in this way.

The wsa:From element is well suited to carrying the SCA callback
endpoint information because it simply provides an endpoint to call and
does not impose any additional protocol requirements.

I don't think we should directly use From to hold the callback endpoint. We'll lost the caller's EPR if we do so and we cannot support RequestContext.getServiceReference(). I sgguest that we keep the callback endpoint as a reference parameter in the caller's EPR which should be the From. By default, the callback endpoint will be the callback service on the source reference and it can be changed by calling ServiceReference.setCallback() on the caller side.

To help me understand what you're proposing (and since all of this has to work with Web Services as well) can you paste here two SOAP envelopes showing a request and a callback? Thanks.


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