
I'm making changes in the code as the discussion goes on. What's the final agreement here? It starts to become difficult to update my local changes by merging all the other check-ins and I would like to push in the code as soon as we have a consensus.


----- Original Message ----- From: "Simon Nash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: WS-Addressing mapping (was Re: What is Message.set/getCallableReference used for?)

Yes, I'm proposing what I said in [1] with a <tuscany:CallbackReference>
reference parameter under the wsa:To stateful EPR.  Looking at this again,
it could be slightly improved to eliminate the <wsa:EndpointReference>
and <wsa:Address> within <tuscany:CallbackReference>, giving:

   <wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="..." xmlns:tuscany="...">
      <wsa:Address>...URI of the service being invoked...</wsa:Address>

             ...URI of the service for the callback...

This requires the <tuscany:CallbackReference> to be "fluffed up" into
a <wsa:To><wsa:EndpointReference> when the callback is sent, with the
<tuscany:CallbackID> and <tuscany:ConversationID> as its reference

   <wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="..." xmlns:tuscany="...">
      <wsa:Address>...URI of the service for the callback...</wsa:Address>



[1] http://www.mail-archive.com/tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org/msg22923.html

Raymond Feng wrote:

Hi, Simon.

To be sure, are you proposing to send the callalbe reference as a reference parameter under the wsa:To EPR?


----- Original Message ----- From: "Simon Nash" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Sunday, September 09, 2007 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: WS-Addressing mapping (was Re: What is Message.set/getCallableReference used for?)

Comments at the end.


Jean-Sebastien Delfino wrote:

More thoughts at the bottom.

Simon Nash wrote:

Raymond Feng wrote:

At this moment, the "From" of the Message is used for the reference of the source component. And if the interface is bidirectional, the "From" EPR will contain a callback EPR.

The current code only sets "From" in the Message for a bidirectional
interface. This means that outbound interceptors don't currently get any "From" endpoint information for calls across a unidirectional interface.

What's going to happen if the user customize the callback object by calling ServiceReference.setCallback() with a ServiceReference? Should we replace the callback EPR under the From or carry it as part of the reference parameters of the To?

In this case, the current code in JDKInvocationHandler replaces the "From"
EPR with the custom ServiceReference.  Again, this means that outbound
interceptors don't have access to the "From" reference endpoint.

So the value of holding the callback endpoint information somewhere other than the Message's "From" endpoint is that outbound interceptors can have
access to the actual calling reference endpoint if they need it.



----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean-Sebastien Delfino" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <tuscany-dev@ws.apache.org>
Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 4:09 PM
Subject: Re: WS-Addressing mapping (was Re: What is Message.set/getCallableReference used for?)

Simon Nash wrote:

Until now we have always held this information in the wsa:From element. However, in thinking about what is really going on here in WS-Addressing terms, I believe we should be putting it in the wsa:To element instead.
The wsa:To element is mandatory for WS-Addressing, but we are not
sending it currently.  Here's how this would look:

    <wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="..." xmlns:tuscany="...">
    <!-- I'm not sure if we should use sca or tuscany ns here -->
<wsa:Address>...URI of the service being invoked...</wsa:Address>

<wsa:Address>...URI of the service for the callback...</wsa:Address>

(Note: I have capitalized the first letters of CallbackID, ConversationID
and CallbackReference to match the WS-Addressing "house style")

This has a few advantages:

 1. It makes us fully compliant with WS-Addressing.

2. WS-Addressing has the notion of a stateful endpoint reference, where
    the endpoint address is augmented with other information that
represents a particular "instance" of the endpoint. This is exactly what is happening here. Invocations to the same SCA service that differ only in their conversation and callback information are very nicely modelled as different WS-Addressing endpoint references for
    the same endpoint address.

 3. It allows the wsa:To infomation to be exactly the same as the
information that would be serialized to represent the CallableReference for the invocation. This is a very neat solution to the question
    of how a CallableReference should be serialized.  It might even
give us a decent chance of being interoperable with some non-SCA

The callback message would be as follows:

    <wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="..." xmlns:tuscany="...">
    <!-- I'm not sure if we should use sca or tuscany ns here -->
<wsa:Address>...URI of the service for the callback...</wsa:Address>


Regarding the sca or tuscany namespace question, the code currently
uses the sca namespace but it may be better to use tuscany until we
get spec endorsement that this is the correct SCA-approved mapping for
SCA conversations and callbacks to Web service protocols.  This
would be defined in the WS Binding specification.

For comparison, this is what the current code does for forward calls,
with the From address directly representing the callback endpoint:

    <wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="..." xmlns:tuscany="...">
    <!-- I'm not sure if we should use sca or tuscany ns here -->
<wsa:Address>...The URI of the service for the callback...</wsa:Address>



Raymond Feng wrote:


I'm thinking of this syntax:

<wsa:EndpointReference xmlns:wsa="..." xmlns:tuscany="..."> <!-- I'm not sure if we should use sca or tuscany ns here -->



<wsa:Address>...The URI of the service for the callback...</wsa:Address>

+1 to flow callback ID and conversation ID in parameters of the "to" endpoint reference.

I don't understand the technical reason for flowing the callback endpoint reference - nested!! - in a parameter of the "to" endpoint reference.

Can you help me understand why we cannot just use the "from" endpoint reference to identify the callback endpoint?


I've reviewed this thread and - unless I missed something - I think we have consensus on:
- conversationID flows as a reference parameter of the "to" epr
- callbackObject does not flow in the message at all

We don't have consensus on how to flow the callbackID, as I'm not sure yet that flowing it as a parameter of the "to" epr is right.

And we're still discussing the following how to flow the callback epr:
- as the replyTo epr?
- the from epr?
- as a callback epr nested in a parameter of the from or to eprs?
- as another epr, a callback epr, peer of the from, to and replyTo? (another option that I'd like to consider)

I think that the "WS-addressing mapping" exercise helped us make progress. How about another similar exercise now to help close this :)

IMO the SCA callback APIs provide built-in support for one of a more general category of message exchange patterns where partners exchange messages back and forth and communicate their service references and context data relevant to the interaction as part of the exchanged business data.

Let's take an example with 2 components, a Client component is wired to a Writer component, invokes the Writer to write some data, the writer sends another message to the client when the data has been written. I hope that the following pseudo-code will be clear enough to illustrate the scenario.

class Client {
   ComponentContext componentContext;
   Writer writer;

   write(inputData) {
      self = componentContext.createSelfReference();
      id = new UUID();
      writer.asyncWrite(self, id, inputData);

   written(id) {
     // data <id> has been written

class Writer {

 asyncWrite(clientReference, id, inputData) {
   // actually write the data



Another variation of this could do self.setCallbackID(id) in the Client and id = clientReference.getCallbackID() in the Writer to pass the id as part of the reference instead of a business method parameter, but I don't think it really changes the pattern.

Assuming that a WS binding is used, what do people think the SOAP messages for the request and callback should look like?

I am sure there are many variations on this pattern that could be
used, as well as the two you have mentioned.  In deciding which one
to focus on as we consider the protocol mapping, I think an important
factor is that SCA does not treat conversationID, callbackID, and
callbackEndpoint as independent parameters to be passed around
separately.  They are all combined in the concept of a callable
reference (together with a destination endpoint), and it is this
callable reference that is conceptually passed around implicitly on
each method call or callback.

Staying as close to the SCA model as we can, but passing everything
around explicitly by the application, the above example would become:

 class Client {
    ComponentContext componentContext;
    Writer writer;

    write(inputData) {
target = componentContext.getServiceReference(Writer.class, "writer");
       self = componentContext.createSelfReference();
       id = new UUID();
       target.getService().asyncWrite(target, inputData);

    written(myReference) {
       // data <myReference.getCallbackID()> has been written

 class Writer {

    asyncWrite(myReference, inputData) {
       // actually write the data

       clientReference = myReference.getCallback();

Note that the caller's reference is not passed.  Like the ID, this is
set as a property of the target's reference, and it is the target's
reference that is passed around on every call.

We may debate whether or not this is a good pattern, but it is the
pattern defined by SCA.  And it is quite simple and logical once you
get used to it.  All the implicit data for the call is part of the
service reference that makes the call, and this service reference
is passed implicitly on every call.  The service reference is
serializable so that it can be passed around explicitly if desired.
The semantics of passing it explicitly or implicitly are the same,
with the same data being transmitted.

It is this semantic model that leads me to think of the SCA service
reference with all its implicit data as being closely equivalent to
the wsa:To stateful endpoint reference.  When using WS-Addressing,
the wsa:To endpoint reference including its state data is passed
with every call, which is very similar to the above pseudo-code.


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