I just checked the LICENSE file against the lib directory of RC1c.
I'm sure this process could be more automated given time,  but for
reference here's what I did

cd lib
ls | sed "s/[0-9\.]*\.jar//" > libnoversion.txt

then I hand finessed the list to remove more complex version tags such
as beta1 or incubating

then in a bash window

$ for i in `cat libsnoversion.txt`; do echo $i ; grep -c $i LICENSE ;
grep $i LICENSE ; echo ================= ; done > jarrefcount.txt

I then looked for grep counts of 0 to spot missing references,  and
where references existed that contained version number I verified by
eye that the version numbers matched.

Like I say, this could be done better given a bit of time,  but I
thought it might be worth recording this as a basis for improvement
and for adding to release process docs.


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