When DAS uses the external model.xsd to get Types from SDO, if there are
containment properties, DAS can
use the information to 1) form Relationships in DAS Config with name same as
containment property name
2) Also similar to Dynamic Types behavior of DAS, it can modify child Type
to have a property with
"relationship_opposite" of parent Type.

DAS is missing this processing for static model based Types at present and
so when used in static way, needs
to be supplied relationship information through external DAS Config (or
implied relationships if Convention over config
is followed).

If 1) and 2) is provided, and if the Type names match the DB entity names,
user can use model.xsds and dynamic queries
to get results and will not need external config. Thus DAS Config will be
better aligned with static model.

If external config is also available in the above case, it can take
precedence in forming relationships,
TableName<->TypeName mapping etc.

Also, in ConfigHelper.addRelationship() API, can give parameter to pass in
relationship name (optional), so it
does not always need to default to the implicit name formation rule of DAS


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