After responding to Chris' issue in Tuscany-1925, it occurred to me
that this will be an ongoing problem for folks trying to use Sun 1.4
JVMs.  Looking back over the dev list history, I see a couple of other
times where this has been a problem.  Perhaps, we might want to add
this to the faq, what do you think?

Here's a first stab at the FAQ entry:
Why am I getting an exception when using Apache Tuscany's java SDO
implementation in a Sun JDK 1.4?
The Crimson DOM implementation in (some versions of) the Sun JDK 1.4
has a bug in the implementation of hasAttributeNS. This bug can be
seen, when loading or importing a model from XML Schema, as either:

    * a null pointer exception, or
    * the error message "Specify a valid XML Schema and try loading again".

To avoid this problem use the IBM JDK 1.4 or either Sun or IBM 5.0
JDK.  Another alternative is to add the Xerces or XML4J jar files to
your classpath.  These libraries can be found here:

    * XML4J:
    * Xerces2-J:

If you are experiencing this problem from within the Eclipse
development environment, you will need to modify your Eclipse
classpath.  This can be achieved when starting Eclipse using the
following command:

<eclipse-install-dir>eclipse.exe -vmargs

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