
To set the context its about specification of policies on implementation
elements in a composite.  Since we have implementation model instances
being  reused we have trouble with capturing what policies were set on an
implementation under a specific Component.

I have this going in the trunk but with a bit of a hack in
ComponentImpl.getImplementation.  Now am looking at cleaning that a bit and
exploring options.

One of the alternatives suggested earlier is to have the implementation
policies stored in the component itself.  But the problem is Component
themselves can have policies specified over them which will have be
inherited by the service, implementation and reference child elements
within.  One way of getting around this is to add up the component's
policies to the services and references child elements right at the time of
reading from the scdl.  Then when the implementation child element is loaded
we read its policies and store it into the component.  This seems a good way
out but bites during the build phase as follows :-

- One of the things we do in the build phase is validating if policysets
specified on an implementation element i.e. checking to see if a specified
policyset does apply to the implementation type in question.  The specs says
that its ok if this validation fails for policysets that have been inherited
(say from the composite or the component), but if this validation fails for
a policyset directly specified for the element then its an error in defining
the composite and it must be flagged.

551 When computing the policySets that apply to a particular element, the
@appliesTo attribute
552 of each relevant policySet is checked against the element. If the
policySet is attached
553 directly to the element and does not apply to that element an error is
raised. If a policySet
554 that is attached to an ancestor element does not apply to the element in
question, it is simply
555 discarded.

So if we are going to store in the component model, the policysets specified
on its implementation then during validation its not possible to figure out
if the policyset came thro inheriting the component's policyset or from
direct definition.

Is there a way out of this ?


- Venkat

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