Venkata Krishnan wrote:

Heres what I am intending to do for the secure-bigbank into which I have
copied over the exiting calculator, stockquote and account demos into

- The Calculator and StockQuote services need to exchange data that cannot
be tampered with since the AccountService heavily 'relies' on their
results.  So interaction with these two services should have 'integrity'.  I
don't think there is a need for authentication or confidentiality for the
interactions with these services.
- The AccountData service is right now accessed only by the AccountService.
I'd like to open this out and put in the following security constraints :-
        - just keep authentication when accessed from the AccoutService
locally say over
       - enforce authentication, confidentiality and integrity when accessed
from outside say over
- Finally the AccountService should enforce authentication, confidentiality
and integrity.

Does this sound ok ?

After an iteration with interaction policies, I'll start working on some
implementation policies.  For example having 'authorization' enforced on the
AccountDataService's operations.


- Venkat

I took a look at secure-bigbank. It's a good start which helps understand how to use the policy framework, and triggers some questions:

- The accountDataService reference is bound to 8084, while the AccountDataService is bound to 8085? aren't they supposed to be wired together?

- Why did you need two authentication and wsAuthentication intents? is it because you needed different policy sets on the client and service side?

- Did you have to change the WS binding code to support your new user defined wsAuthentication intent?

- Is there a way to not repeat the core intents defined by the spec in all contributions?

- Where are the bindingType definitions listing the intents provided by the bindings?

- What are the security callback handlers responsible for?


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