Hi All,

Using Tuscany 1.1 RC2 I'm attempting to construct a simple example of
an SCA application, which references a remote JMS service, which in a
simple case exposes a request type Queue.  This is to proxy/facade a
pre-existing JMS solution with Tuscany.

My SCDL declares a reference to a remote weblogic queue (though I
don't believe the provider should matter) as follows:

       <reference name="JMSService" promote="JMSClient/jmsService">
               <interface.java interface="com.example.JMSService"/>
                       <destination name="jms/TestRequest" create="never" />
name="jms/TestRequestConnectionFactory" />

My client attempts to send a String message this remote JMS reference,
though when attempted I get the following stack:

    [java] org.osoa.sca.ServiceUnavailableException: Service not
found for component JMSClient reference service (bindingURI=null
 Ensure that the composite containing the service is loaded and
started somewhere in the SCA domain and that if running in a remote
node that the interface of the target service marked as @Remotable

Can anyone provide any insight into this issue?  Any help would be
greatly appreciated, client and log can be at:




Dave Sowerby MEng MBCS

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