Right now JMS services use a single JMS consumer per service so requests are
single threaded. We could do nothing and just live with this restriction or
we could improve this by doing things such as:

1) have the consumer spawn new threads to process each request (using the
existing Tuscany thread pool). One problem with that is i don't think we
can't do QOS using the standard JMS APIs as once the consumer returns the
message is considered successfully processed but the spawned thread may
still be processing or have an exception. Note though that we don't
currently support QOS option with the JMS binding.

2) In a J2EE environment we could use an MDB. That gets more complicated to
implement and may require some manual configuration

3) Use a JCA adapter. I don't know so much about implementing this but i
believe that would enable control of both the threading and QOS aspects.

Of those (1) seems like the easiest to do right now to get concurrent
requests on JMS services working but one of the other approaches is probably
needed in the long term. Anyone have any comments on this or other
approaches to suggest?


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