I had a look at what makes up the size of the binary distribution, here's
some details:

The 1.1 binary distribution is about 65 Meg, of that 50 Meg is from all the
jars in the lib directory, 8.5 Meg is from the calculator webapp
sample, 2.5Meg is from the mortgage loan approval demo doc, and
2.5 Meg is from all the jars in the modules directory.

In the 50 Meg lib directory there are 149 jars, but 25 Meg comes from just
the 13 biggest jars

(These sizes are all the compressed sizes within the archive)

All that gives quite a bit of scope for tweaking, eg if we were to:

- remove the modules folder as they're all in the maven repository
- remove the prebuilt calc webapp sample, we're talking about changing to
use simple contributions jars anyway
- change the mortgage loan approval demo doc to be plain text or point to
the website
- remove all but one of the bundled script language engines (ie JRuby,
Jython and Groovy)
- change wsdl2java to using its own namespace to package name code instead
of using XJC
- (maybe) not include the xmlbeans and xbean jars

That would reduce to distribution size by 27 Meg - from 65 Meg down to 38


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