Comments below.

On Feb 11, 2008 7:36 AM, Venkata Krishnan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Greg,
> Thanks for your observations / suggestions.  Please see my comments
> inline.
> I apologize for making them lengthy in the hope that it would trigger more
> discussions.
> - Venkat
> On Feb 7, 2008 1:33 AM, Greg Dritschler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have been looking at the PolicyHandler support for Java
> implementations
> > and overall I like the direction this is going.  I have some comments
> > about
> > it.
> >
> > 1.  If a given component/operation has multiple policy sets that are
> > handled
> > by the same PolicyHandler, it appears that one PolicyHandler is created
> > for
> > each such policy set.  I wonder if it wouldn't be better to call a given
> > PolicyHandler only once per invocation and give it the full list of
> policy
> > sets it handles.  This may be more efficient depending on the policy
> (the
> > handler may be able to optimize/combine policies, and it may be able to
> > find
> > conflicts that are beyond the powers of the policy framework).
> Just to clarify, I did start with PolicyHanlder types classified against
> the
> PolicySet name, but later discovered that this is not scalable.  Today,
> the
> PolicyHandler types are classified against the PolicyModel that they can
> understand (i.e. WS-Policy or some customer model) and the Intent that
> they
> can deal with (i.e authentication or transaction).  I feel we might also
> have to add one more classifier that denotes the QoS infrastructure that
> the
> PolicyHandler is capable of working with. While the policy model and
> intent
> can be extracted for a PolicySet to find the appropriate PolicyHandler, I
> am
> not sure where we can encapsulate this 'specific infrastructure'
> information.

I wasn't suggesting any changes along these lines.  I think using model
objects and intents is sufficient.

> So, if it does happen that we have mutliple PolicySets on a wire that
> point
> to the same PolicyHandler type, yes it makes sense to do what you suggest.
> Infact, this turns out to be a necessity for example when we want to
> configure the Axis2 Config Parameters for to say enable
> authentication AND integrity where each of these could have their own
> PolicySets.
> 2.  Some intents can be provided without requiring a policy set (these are
> > the intents in the implementation's mayProvides list).  Although the
> > PolicyHandler gets registered for an intent, it appears it is only
> driven
> > if
> > the intent is satisfied by a policy set.  It would be nice if it could
> be
> > driven if the intent appears in the mayProvides list too.
> +1.  At the present moment this is left to how implementation and binding
> extensions would choose to deal with.  I'd prefer that the binding /
> implementation providers parse the list of required intents and if there
> are
> the ones that they 'mayProvide' then suitable PolicySets should be added
> to
> the list of PolicySets.  Ofcourse the corresponding PolicyHandlers should
> also be defined and registered.  This I feel provide uniformity and
> extensibility to how policy handling plugs into extensions.

Intents in the 'mayProvides' list don't require policy sets.

> >
> > 3.  I'm also wondering whether it should be possible to register a
> > PolicyHandler that always gets control regardless of what intents or
> > policy
> > sets are specified.  This might be to implement some default behavior.
> >  I'm
> > thinking of transactions here.  The transaction spec says that the
> runtime
> > can provide one of the intents by default, but the choice of default is
> > implementation-specific.  There's no way to declare the default intent
> to
> > the policy framework today, so there's no choice but to give control to
> > the
> > transaction handler and let it figure it out.
> >
> This sounds like something that is left for bindings / implementations to
> deal with, in the way they might choose to.  As I had mentioned in the
> previous point a cleaner way would be for binding /implementation
> providers
> to verify if a default intent needs to be in force and add the
> corresponding
> PolicySet to the list of policysets.  For example, if an implementation
> provider parses the requiredIntents and discovers nothing in there related
> to transaction intent type, then it could add the default transaction
> PolicySet to the list of policysets.  Makes sense or am I missing your
> point?

Intents in the 'mayProvides' list don't require policy sets.

> > 4.  The PolicyHandler is provided the target Operation and Message.  I
> > wonder if that's enough context.  Can the handler works its way "up" the
> > model (component, etc) if it needs to?
> >
>  I suppose what is 'provided' to the handler depends on the implementation
> or binding extension and from where it decides to call the handlers.  If
> the
> handlers are called from the interceptors they can provide any state that
> is
> available to them.  Or if there is context information that is not going
> to
> change across service calls then such information could be initialized
> into
> PolicyHandlers as part of the 'setup' call.
> > 5.  It might be nice for the PolicyHandlingInterceptor constructor to
> make
> > an initialization call to the handler so it can do some setup.
> >
> For the JavaImplementation extension this is done in the
> JavaPolicyHandlingRuntimeWireProcessor that creates these PolicyHandlers
> and
> injects them into the interceptor.  The 'setup' call is there as part of
> the
> PolicyHandler interface for this purpose.  I am open to evolving the
> PolicyHanlder model as we come across more usecases.  Could you please
> share
> some if you have in this regard ?

I overlooked the setup() method.  It is what I had in mind.

> >
> > 6.  If policy sets are attached to the operation,
> > JavaPolicyHandlingRuntimeWireProcessor uses the handlers associated with
> > those policy sets instead of the handlers associated with the component
> > level.  I don't think this is completely right.  It should be possible
> to
> > use a policy from one domain (say security) for a given operation while
> > using a policy for another domain (say transactions) at the component
> > level.  The section of the Policy spec dealing with operation-level
> > attachment for implementations does not address this point specifically.
> > However the section on operation-level attachment for bindings does
> offer
> > this:  "...operation-level policySets override corresponding policySets
> > specified for the binding (where a 'corresponding' policySet @provides
> at
> > least one common intent)."
> Isn't this taken care of as part of the PolicySet computations that we do
> on
> implementation and bindings ?  Some that gets defined at the component
> level
> gets to be inherited by the implementation i.e. the implementation's list
> of
> PolicySets will include the one that is defined at the Component level.
>  Or,
> am I not getting your point ?

I may be wrong but I thought that intents and policy sets are propagated
down the XML hierarchy until you get to the implementation.  They are not
propagated to operations.  The operation-level attachments are supposed to
override the implementation-level, but only for the intents that are in

> >
> > 7.  JavaPolicyHandlingRuntimeWireProcessor adds the interceptor to the
> end
> > of the invocation chain.  In the case of chains for oneway operations,
> > this
> > places the interceptor after the NonBlockingInterceptor.  This may
> present
> > problems for policy handlers such as transactions that are sensitive to
> > running on the thread of execution.  It's a bit tricky.  For wires into
> a
> > service, the handler would want to be called after the
> > NonBlockingInterceptor has switched threads.  For wires into a
> reference,
> > the handler would want to be before the NonBlockingInterceptor switches
> > off
> > to another thread.
> >
> We are dealing with this more generally on another thread that Raymond has
> started related to the capability of ordering interceptors.

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