
Lou Amodeo commented on TUSCANY-2043:

Thank You for the responses. 

I upgraded from Axis 1.2 to Axis 1.3 and now I see additional issues. It 
appears that Axis 1.3 cannot handle the wsd4l facade.      

1) 2 wsdl with same target namspace as sent earlier..  The WSDL aggregation 
process occurs creating a wsdl4j facade. Notice 
    the 2 imports 1st for callback  wsdl and 2nd for service wsdl.   They both 
have same namespace. 

Definition: name={http://helloworld}$aggregated$ 
definition namespaceURI=http://helloworld, Import:
definition namespaceURI=http://helloworld]

2)  Service definition is built from the wsdl 


  AxisService axisService = serviceBuilder.populateService();   

3) execption is thrown as Axis2 says it cant find the service in the wsdl.     

org.apache.axis2.description.WSDL11ToAxisServiceBuilder populateService Service 
{http://helloworld}HelloWorldService was not found in the WSDL
     org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: Service {http://helloworld}HelloWorldService 
was not found in the WSDL

4) Remove the callback wsdl entirely and populateService completes 
successfully.  This is because the aggregator proceess doesnt occcur and a full 
wslddefinition is used for the service.     

> documentBaseURI is null when multiple wsdls in contribution with same 
> namespace   
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: TUSCANY-2043
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/TUSCANY-2043
>             Project: Tuscany
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Lou Amodeo
>            Assignee: Simon Laws
>             Fix For: Java-SCA-1.2
>         Attachments: helloworld-ws-asynch.jar
> I have a case where there are 2 wsdl files in the contribution with the same 
> namespace.  After the WSDL resolution the 
> documentBaseURI attribute of the wsdl's  DefinitionImpl is null.  The is 
> normally completed in the WebServiceBindingProcessor.resolve().   In this 
> particular case there are 2 binding.ws elements in the contribution.  One for 
> the service and one for its <callback> binding.   If I change the TNS of one 
> of the WSDL files then the documnetBaseURI is filled in during the 
> WebServiceBindingProcessor.resolve.   So it appears there is in issue in the 
> WSDL Model resolver when it finds multiple WSDL files with the same TNS. 

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