I chatted with Venkat earlier today on #tuscany about changes he proposed to
contribution processing. This is input to the wider, what do we do about
contribution processing and workspace debate....

<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>I am trying to clean up the
contribution service imple a bit
<slaws>so you want to talk a bit about your plans?
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>yes
<slaws>ok- we could also take a look together at the changes sebastien has
made to contribution processing
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>basically I am wondering if
contribution ever needs to depend on 'assembly' or 'policy' or 'definitions'
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>for now am starting with cleaning up
for decoupling the 'definitions' dependency
<slaws>i'm with you there. It should depend on as little as possible. Not
sure we can mitigate assembly but lets see
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>right now... we are doing a bit of
preprocessing of composite files to add the 'applicablePolicySets' to
various SCA Artifcats
<slaws>y - i saw that
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>for this we need to take note of all
the PolicySets that are getting contributed...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>i.e. when a defintions.xml is read...
we would like to dive in and weed out the policysets
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>then these policysets will have to be
processed against every composite that is read... and which ever policyset
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>to which ever sca artifact in the
composite... that policyset's name has to get into the
'applicablePolicySets' attribute
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so all of this is now being done in
the Contribution Service
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so the contribution service needs to
know when its a definition that was read...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>and then needs to weed out the
policysets out of it.. and then when processing composites it has to use
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so that brings in the dependencies..
i.e. contribution serivce needs to know about SCADefinitions, PolicySet and
so on
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>am wondering if I could decouple this
and tear it out of the ContributionService..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so here is what I am thinking of..
<slaws>ok- go ahead
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>when artifacts are read by the
contribution service... it coudl publish events to interested listners...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>it just about sends events that has
the URL that was processed and the model that was read... (need not know
anything of the actually model type)
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>the runtime listens to these events
and if there are defintions read.. it weeds out policysets... and aggregates
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>the composite preprocessing will move
to the CompositeDocumentProcessor
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>where in before the reading of the
document, the processor will preprocess and add the applicable policysets..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>now how does the
CompositeDocumentProcessor get hold of the policysets... since its the
runtime that creates this processor
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>it should be fine for it to inject
the policySets list that it is aggregating...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>the only ugly thing here is probably
the PolicySet list.. which is a sort of sink... a reference to it
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>is passed to the
CompositeDocumentProcessor during its creation.. and then during the
contribution processing.. its the same sink
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>into which the runtime dumps the
policysets weeded out..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so thats for what is running in my
mind... for this specific decoupling... over to your thoughts :)

<slaws>ok- sounds like you are thinking about a much more modular approach
to definitions and policy processing. Can we enumerate the individual parts
of that processing here so I can see them clearly..
<slaws>let me make a list based on what you have just said...
<slaws>1 - read definitions.xml
<slaws>2 - aggregate policy sets
<slaws>3 - apply policy sets to composite model
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>(to composite xml)
<slaws>ok - 3 - apply policy sets to composite.xml
<slaws>i didn't quite understand the bit about....
<slaws> <Venkat> into which the runtime dumps the policysets weeded out..
<slaws>can you say a little more
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>its the "2 - aggregate policysets"
... its right now done by the contribution service... I want to move that to
the runtime
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so instead of the contrib svc doing
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>it will simply pass a SCADefintions
model to the runtime... as part of an event
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>the runtime will look this
SCADeinitios and aggregate the PolicySets alone
<slaws>and what are the sources of the policy sets that are being
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>multiple definitions.xml files...
that are coming in thro contributions
<slaws>should 2 read 2 - aggregate policy sets from all of the defintions
files found in all contributions
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>yes
<slaws>ok - so our list is now....
<slaws>1 - read definitions.xml from all contributions
<slaws>2 - aggregate policy sets from all of the defintions files found in
all contributions and read in 1
<slaws>3 - apply policy sets to each composite.xml as it is processed
<slaws>is that right?
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>right... ahead of 1 will be a step
where we do '2' for definitions.xml that are coming from our various
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>but that will be done by the runtime
<slaws>ok so the full list should be
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so there is no looking up the
contribution service for this part..
<slaws>1 - read all definitions.xml files found on the system classpath
<slaws>2 - read definitions.xml from all contributions
<slaws>3 - aggregate policy sets from all of the defintions files read in
steps 1 and 2
<slaws>4 - apply policy sets to each composite.xml as it is processed
<slaws>sound ok?
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>right... (just the one comment that
for '1' I will put in the 'provider' mechanism that Sebastien had
suggested.. but to do that I want to first clean this up to get some
circular dependencies out of the way)
<slaws>y - I was being purposely vague for 1 as I know we have discussed
that on the list and changes are afoot
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>(but this is a detail we don't have
to worry in this context)
<slaws>y - agree
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>ok :)
<slaws>so can we take 2, 3 and 4 in turn and look at you porposals
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>yes
<slaws>ok - so 2 is all about how to remove the necessity of the
contribution service to do specific definitions.xml processing
<slaws>well 2 and 3
<slaws>can we take a slight diversion here and look at what sebastien did in
the workplace processing
<slaws>take a look at this file..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>ok am there
<slaws>looking at the file he has created these scanners that he uses to
produce the artifact list...
<slaws>each artifact is then read in turn using the artifactProcessor
<slaws>and its subsequently resolved using the model resolver
<slaws>so this is a pretty generic loop
<slaws>but take a look at this file....
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>right
<slaws>in this case he is looking for specific files in the contribution
<slaws>they are in a specific place in the contribution in this case but I'm
wondering whether you can use a similar idea to isolate the
definitions.xmlfiles in the artifact list and process them rather than
having to invent
some listener/callback mechanism to do the same
<slaws>i guess what I'm saying is that it seems simpler (although more
processor intensive) to look across the artifacts list a number of times and
pick out the bits you want to process rather than having a single processor
that does it all with a listener mechanism that calls back when it finds
artifacts that have had listeners registered
<slaws>am I making sense?
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>but this will only solve the
'reading' problem.. I will know that a definitions.xml has been read... what
happens after that..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>which is the aggregation..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>of policysets
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>and the reading is pretty much fine
in the Contribution Serivce...
<slaws>ok so I was imagining that you have a
readDefinitionsAndAggregatePolicySets(CntributionURL, PolicySetsCollection)
that reads the definitions files and aggreagates the policysets. This is
independent of other contribution processing
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>where would you imagine this method
to be
<slaws>modules/contributio-defintions, modules/defnitions or even
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so if this method was in the
contribution service... and yes.. the contirbution service could just about
dump the defintions model object into a list without really having to know
about SCADefinitions but just relying on the fact that the artifact file is
<slaws>i'm going to step out for a few mins while I ponder the "where"
question. back shortly
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>but then where will the PolicySets be
weeded out of the SCA defintions ... before the composites start getting
processed ..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>sure.. please carry on
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>ping me when you are back
<slaws>ok- am back you there?
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>yes Simon :)
<slaws>ok - in ReallySmallRuntime today it constructs a compositeProcessor
and then just provides it on request (it also does step 1 from out list but
I'm ignoring that for the moment)...
<slaws>ooops CompositeProcessor -> ContributionService
<slaws>then whatever runtime SCADomain, Node etc, uses RSR, grabs the
ContributionService and calls contribute
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>right
<slaws>i'm imagining a situation where SCADomain, Node, whatever does more
work and doesn't use a black box ContributionService
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>to process contributions ?
<slaws>Y - so It would go down our list of items in turn running appropriate
methods to make each of them happen.
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>yes...
<slaws>The list of aggregated policies would result from step 3 . It could
hold onto the list provide it to whatever bit of the runtime requires them
<slaws>the trick bit seems to be step 4
<slaws>where you need to get at the composite as a dom so you can apply
<slaws>to match policies
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>yes.. thats the key actually... its
like this..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>1. read up all contributions other
than composite files...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>2. when definitions.xml are read
aggregate policysets.
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>3. read composites and preprocess
them applying the read policysets...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so there is a bit of orchestration
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>you push the composite processing to
the end...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>to make sure you have all the
policysets for the domain read
<slaws>y, i see, and there are (at least) two ways of viewing these steps...
<slaws>A - Top down - drive everything based on reading the contribution
once and process things appropriately as you come across them
<slaws>B - bottom up - extract things you are interested in from the
contribution and process them appropriately.
<slaws>am just making these terms up ;-)
<slaws>so I think B works well for sca-contribution.xml, definitions.xml,
*.composite, i.e. the things we can reasonably expect to be there
<slaws>A works well for everything else
<slaws>where we don't know what to expect and just have to deal with it when
we find it
<slaws>I'm saying this because of what you just said about needing to be
carefult about how the processing is ordered
<slaws>so I can imagine some very specific blocks of processing.
<slaws>i) locate all the contributions that are expected to run
<slaws>ii) for each contribution read all the contribution meta-data
<slaws>iii) for each contribution locate all the artifacts
<slaws>oops iii) for each contribution read all the definitions.xml files
and aggregate policy sets with those already read
<slaws>iv) for each contribution read all the artifacts
<slaws>v) find the .composite files amongst the artifacts, preprocess to
apply policy sets and then read into a model
<slaws>change to iv)
<slaws>iv) for each contribution read all the artifacts into models
excluding .composite files
<slaws>and I imagine these steps happening independently of the current
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so what would the contributionService
ever do .. ?
<slaws>i think we could deprecate it
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>alright.. so which ever module that
does this...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>its a question of whether it would
tolerate dependencies on defintions and policy modules
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>if you are saying..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>that there will be a runtime that
packs all of this within...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>then I suppose its ok...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>becuase its ok for a runtime to know
about SCADefinitions or PolicySets...
<slaws>the general model I have in my mind is that tuscany provides a number
of independent (as possible) modules that provide independent services are,
to use your term, orchestrated by a (runtime) modules that brings it all
<slaws>this is slightly different what we have at the moment where, in some
cases, we have multiple levels of this orchestration type activity
<slaws>for example, in this contribution case a runtime does a few things
and then calls the contributionService which does a few more things. The
runtime can break into the contribution service to modify the way that the
independent parts of the contribution process are orchestrated
<slaws>the runtime can break -> the runtime can't break

<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>hi.. am back
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>(sorry had to step out a bit)
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>yes..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>read up what you said
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so what you are saying is.. if events
were published it would mean something from outside can hook into this
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>of the contirbution service ?
<slaws>well I wasn't advocating publishing events. I was saying that the
individual steps should be accessible so that you can hook into them without
needing events
<slaws>but, yes, the basic idea is to open up the ContributionService
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>you mean have more granular methods
on that service interface ?
<slaws>so if you ask me how we get from where we are now to what I was
talking about (assuming of course we want to go there :-) then we could take
a first step of exposing more granular methods. Then separate the methods
into the modules where they belong
<slaws>the first step won't address you dependency issue of course
<slaws>but maybe it is best to really understand what the separate steps are
by separating them out as methods before moving things around
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>right... I guess it could be on lines
with the list you mentioned above.. which is above different ways of reading
artifcats in a contribution
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so every runtime can orchestrate how
it wants to do it...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so I see this is not going to make it
to 1.2... and then its best to attempt anything of this sort with the
workspace efforts since that is going to at some point come and stay ?
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>in this discussion I managed to 'see'
one more option of achieving what I want...
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>which will be to simply pass the
'sink' as a generic list.. so that contribution service need not know
SCADefn type..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>so I will give this a shot ..
<Venkat <irc://freenode/Venkat,isnick>>as its not going to change things
<slaws>ok - agreed that it won't make 1.2

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