I don't think this has been mentioned on tuscany-dev before so FYI - there's
now a draft of the SCA JEE spec available  on the OSOA website at :

Lots of interesting things in there, anyone interested in helping implement
any of it?

One bit I liked was section 5.4.4 about using JSPs with SCA, what we
currently have in Tuscany is a bit clunky so i've committed some code to
support the taglib as described in that section.  So now in a JSP you  don't
need any code for the SCADomain you just declare the taglib:

<%@ taglib uri="http://www.osog.org/sca/sca.tld"; prefix="sca" %>

and then define SCA references with:

<sca:reference name="CalculatorServiceComponent" type="
calculator.CalculatorService" />

I've updated the calclulator webapp sample to demonstrate this -

This seems so much better than our old approach I'd like to change all our
JSP samples to work like this, what do you guys think?


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