Hello community,

Recently I've posted a topic talking about I come back to contribute with
the development of Tuscany SCA. Well, few days after that I was notified
about the Google Summer of Code event. Combining the two things, I've
decided to look for a project idea, and try to write my work proposal.

I am interested in help to integrate the GData protocol with Tuscany SCA
project, writing a binding to that protocol. I purpose to reach this aim
through a detailed study of the GData protocol, and the mechanism of
definition a new binding in Tuscany. Analyzing the existing RSS, Atom, and
Feed bindings, will be used as part of the study too. Moreover, the
discussion in the mailing list will be useful to evolute the design
decisions until an ideal stage (or at least, something near to this).

At the implementation stage, I purpose the building of unit tests (as
possible), in order to try to minimize errors and bugs.

Finally, when the integration between GData and Tuscany is finished, I
purpose to develop an example scenario. Building this will be useful to help
whatever person which would like understand, in practice, the behavior of
the new feature developed, as well as guide the development steps.

I intend develop a list of free software events, where the information about
each event will be fed by XML feeds. Hence, blog contents, documents,
videos, and photos provided as feeds, respectively, by Google Blog, Google
Docs, Youtube, and Piscassa Web Albums, or other source able to operate on
GData protocol, will be able to be used as information to describe a given

Any modification in a given event at the application will reflect
automatically in the user's calendar defined at Google Calendar.

Dealing with a test application, the initial state of the list will be
built, possibly, by data loaded from a database with non real information.
What do you think about it?


PS: Sorry for my possible English mistakes.

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