On Sat, Feb 16, 2008 at 11:48 PM, Simon Nash <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> It isn't long since I could do a complete checkout and build of
> Tuscany SCA Java in around 400 MB of disk space.  Today I was amazed
> when I ran out of space despite having cleared over a gigabyte
> before starting.
> I tend to keep a few builds around for various reasons and the
> space factor is rapidly becoming more and more of an inhibitor to my
> development productivity.  The full checkout and build that I did
> a week ago occupied 718 MB on disk.  Today's version weighs in at a
> hefty 1020 MB.  I've done some digging around, and there's nothing
> that seems very easy to eliminate.  The biggest files are webapp
> samples and ActiveMQ logs.
> This size explosion adds more weight to the evidence that we need to
> split up the codebase into more modular chunks that can be built and
> tested independently.
>  Simon

To do a complete build of trunk now takes 1.5GB of disk space on my machine,
thats for the trunk src build folder and the local maven repository. As part
of the cleanup being talked about for the next release I'd like to try to
reduce this a lot, i've raised TUSCANY-2212 to track this, if you've any
ideas to help please feel free to add a comment/help.


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