Mike Edwards wrote:
Wang Feng wrote:
Hi all
I have a scenario like this.There are two contributions and each one contribution contains one composite which has the same namespace. The namespace has been imported and exported on every contribution. I am not sure this scenario is right or wrong,can anybody give me an advice?

Contribution metadata like below: Contribution A <contribution xmlns="http://www.osoa.org/xmlns/sca/1.0";
   <deployable composite="hello:helloworldws"/>
   <import namespace="http://hello"/>
   <export namespace="http://hello"/>
</contribution> Contribution B <contribution xmlns="http://www.osoa.org/xmlns/sca/1.0";
   <deployable composite="hello:helloworld"/>
   <import namespace="http://hello"/>
   <export namespace="http://hello"/>
Wang Feng
Wang Feng,

It is perfectly acceptable to use the same namespace for artifacts such as composites in multiple contributions. Your example is just fine.

What you should not do is to have the same name for the same type of artifact in the same namespace, whereever they are placed - that is to invite trouble. So names "composite1" and "composite2" are OK, but to have two composites named "composite1" is not wise, even if they are in separate contributions.

Yours,  Mike.

For examples of contributions that share a namespace, see the folders under sca/java/tutorial, many of the contributions in the tutorial share the same http://store namespace.

Hope this helps.

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