Mike Edwards wrote:

The problem seems to be with the testcase itself, in my opinion, but before I go and hack the testcase, I'm posting to the list to see if anyone knows why the sample is the way it is.

Look at the BPEL process - helloworld.bpel

It contains an import for the WSDL referenced by the process. This import uses a quite extraordinary namespace:


This is bizarre and bears no relationship to the actual WSDL used, which has the more expected namespace of:


....my first step is going to be to correct the namespace (the BPEL processing code needs a fix too - this error should be flagged much earlier than is the case currently)

- HOWEVER - am I being dim and have I missed something here?

Yours, puzzled, Mike.

PS The reason this never caused a problem before is that I believe that NO-ONE was using the import statement !! The componentType file was overriding everything, including this.

Well, more investigating allowed me to get the test working correctly, with the 
following changes:

a) Change the namespace in the <import.../> statement in the BPEL process, to match the actual namespace of the WSDL document (as above)

b) Change the name of the service identified in the componentType file. The name originally in there - "HelloService" violates the SCA BPEL specification which clearly states that the name of the service for a BPEL partnerLink is the name of the partnerLink (and it can't be overridden). So I updated the componentType file to use the name "helloPartnerLink".

I am considering stiffening the handling of the componentType information from the side file to PREVENT the use of services or refernences that do not match the services and references found from introspection of the BPEL process, since the effect of not matching is to imply that there are more services/references than are actually present in the BPEL process implementation.

Yours,  Mike.

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