On Thu, May 8, 2008 at 8:48 PM, Charuka Jayarathna <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Dear all,
> I am a Masters student in Georgia State University, and hope to work
> on my Theses with some contribution to Tuscany. My adviser is fine
> with my suggestion to take over a Tuscany project and work on that as
> for my theses. He advises me to take over a project which has enough
> intellectual contribution as well as it should be a novel idea
> resulting a publishable paper at the end. I appreciate if you can help
> me finding some potential areas having above requirements fulfilled.
> Thank you
> Charuka

Hi Charuka, welcome to Tuscany!

We'd love to have you work with us on a Tuscany project. As it happens we
went through a process a couple of months ago to come up with project ideas
for Google Summer of Code this year. See the list we came up with here [1]
as a starting point. Some of these projects are already being done by GSoC
students. See the selected project proposals on this page [2]. It's probably
not a good idea to take on one that is already being done.

What we need is a new page listing all the current project ideas we have
that people aren't working on. Luciano may have done this already and I'm
sure he will point us to it if he has. If not this is just the kind of
motivation we need to go and create one ;-)

I'm sure we can come up with lots of other ideas so take a look at the list
that's there and I'm sure people will post with new things here in due




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