On Sat, Apr 12, 2008 at 10:23 AM, ant elder <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You are receiving this email because you are listed as an Apache
> Tuscany committer. Tuscany is looking to graduate in the near future
> and following Apache Incubator practice is cleaning up the committer
> list.  Tuscany has 35 committers listed on the status file some of
> those have left and some were just listed there when the original
> proposal was accepted and have never even once committed anything.
> We've decided any one who has interacted with the project within the
> last 12 months will automatically remain a committer, anyone else will
> need to reply to this email to retain their committer status.
> These are the committers who've participated in the last 12 months and
> will automatically retain their committer status:
>    adrianocrestani Adriano Crestani
>    amita           Amita Vadhavkar
>    ajborley        Andrew Borley
>    antelder        Ant Elder
>    bjohnson        Brady Johnson
>    dkulp           Dan Kulp
>    frankb          Frank Budinsky
>    fuhwei          Fuhwei Lwo
>    giorgio         Giorgio Zoppi
>    isilval         Ignacio Silva-Lepe
>    jsdelfino       Jean-Sebastien Delfino
>    kelvingoodson   Kelvin Goodson
>    kwilliams       Kevin Williams
>    lresende        Luciano Resende
>    mcombellack     Mark Combellack
>    myoder          Michael Yoder
>    edwardsmj       Mike Edwards
>    nash            Simon Nash
>    rsivaram        Rajini Sivaram
>    rfeng           Raymond Feng
>    robbinspg       Pete Robbins
>    slaws           Simon Laws
>    svkrish         Venkata Krishnan
> So, if you are not on that list but would like to retain your Tuscany
> committer status please reply to this email and let us know about how
> you would like to be involved with Tuscany. Also, if you are on that
> list but no longer want to stay a committer once Tuscany graduates you
> can also reply to this email and we'll remove your name.
> Many thanks,
> The Apache Tuscany PPMC

So after having this pending for over a month that would make the
current committer list:



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