Hi Ram

On Mon, Jun 9, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Ramkumar R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi Simon,
> I believe both the DefaultMonitorImpl and DefaultLoggingMonitorImpl would
> need this change in them and also believe that any new monitor
> implementation should follow the same.
> The reason why I  feel so is that, our aim of blocking the exception from
> the code is to collect as many user-input errors from various processors.
> And at the later stage our runtime should have a provision to take a
> revision on these reported issues from the monitor and decide if the
> furthur
> processing can be carried out or not.

> Currently I have made the changes in both the modules, please let me know
> your thoughts on this.

Maybe our default should just set a flag if an error is ever reported while
the caching monitor saves all the errors/warnings.

boolean isErrorLogged();

> +1 for the change in module name as monitor-cache.
> Also I noticed that, when a warning/error message is thrown from the
> monitor, for most of the instance it does not show the sourceClassName
> where
> it originated from. Hence I believe a change is also required in the way we
> log.... something like this.
> problemLogger.logp(Level.SEVERE, problem.getSourceClassName(),
> null,                     problem.getMessageId(),
> problem.getMessageParams());

> Please let me know your thoughts on this. Thanks.

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